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Sims 4 Moving Things Up And Down

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  1. Sims 4 Moving Truck
  2. Sims 4 Move Objects Up And Down Not Working 2019


  • edited December 2014
    What does holding shift and moving the mouse up or down do?
  • What does holding shift and moving the mouse up or down do?

    With the new up and down you do not have to have objects against the walls this with MOO means you can put objects anywhere.
  • They say 9 to move up but that just brings my camera to one corner of the lot. I only know one way to work around this and that is to press Alt+9 , but 0 still works.
  • edited December 2014
    @Angelicbabe09 I grab the object and hold on with the mouse while pressing the 0 or 9.
  • I did wonder what this meant as i find it hard to understand the patch notes as they are too jokey
  • While grabbing the object, hold CTRL+9 to raise things up or 0 to lower them.
  • Making the same thing.... when you clicked ctrl+9 you saved position of camera . I just don't know how to undo that :smile:
  • edited December 2014
    It seems that if you have the camera set to Sims3 controls, you have to use CTRL+9 to move objects up and down. If you have camera set to default for Sims4, just using the 9 works.
  • Weird, it's Alt+9 for me. But maybe ctrl works too, haven't tried.
  • I am using ctrl+9 and camera does not moving and object is going up. Hope i helped you :)
  • 0
  • It ended up working for me - but I upgraded my game (didn't have the premium content..but I bought it) and now it's working just using 9 or 0. I don't know why it wasnt working before and now its started to work. But thanks everyone :)
  • Another simmer was able to use the slider up and down to add kitchen clutter and some plants to the top of wall cabinets, makes the kitchen look homey. I forgot to do it in my last gameplay but will if I remember anytime soon. Nice for items that won't fit on shelves.
    Nothing to see. I don't even care about the forums.
  • OMG I like this up and down thing so much! now I can make a trellis over pillars and cover it with plants an flowers and I can have a pavilion in the garden without foundation even when the main building has it!

    I can play at last TS2 TS3 and TS4 So great that toddlers are here!!!
  • Well it isn't working for me, sadly. 9 moves the camera to the corner of the lot, holding shift, alt, ctrl or a combination of those together with 9 does nothing.
    Any other suggestions?
  • Not working for me either, totally clean fully patched game using Sims 3 camera options and nothing works.
  • So this it one of those DOH! moments in the Sims..i had the same problem with MOO the 9 and 0 would not work at all for me..but that is because i was using the numeric keypad.The second I tried the regular numbers located on the top of all the letters It worked just fine.
  • I have a Windows computer. If you have one too, follow these instructions: Open Cheats (CTRL+SHIFT+C), Type in the Move Objects Cheat (bb.moveobjects), click on your item, move up with (CTRL+SHIFT+9) and down with (CTRL+SHIFT+0). I hope this is helpful! :) ;)
  • I have a Windows computer. If you have one too, follow these instructions: Open Cheats (CTRL+SHIFT+C), Type in the Move Objects Cheat (bb.moveobjects), click on your item, move up with (CTRL+SHIFT+9) and down with (CTRL+SHIFT+0). I hope this is helpful!

    Thanks Naromeiznekcam, this works for me!
  • 0
  • I have a Windows computer. If you have one too, follow these instructions: Open Cheats (CTRL+SHIFT+C), Type in the Move Objects Cheat (bb.moveobjects), click on your item, move up with (CTRL+SHIFT+9) and down with (CTRL+SHIFT+0). I hope this is helpful!

    Thanks Naromeiznekcam, this works for me!

    I'm not sure if it's because I'm using a different computer but just holding hitting 9 and 0 to move objects up and down works too.
  • It is weird on my pc too, when i use 9 to move an object up sometimes it works but other times it moves my camera to the other side of the lot then I have to use ctrl-9 to move the object up or down. Same thing goes for making objects smaller and larger. They should unbind these controls from the camera as it is so annoying and no I do not use sims 3 camera, i am using the default sims 4 camera mode.
  • edited June 2015
    @Gainja You are totally right! I thought i would have to miss out on this because i use a danish keyboard, but now it works! Thank you so much! I'm gonna post the same thing on the danish forum.
    Origin ID: Kaffepigen
    I've started a picture story on imgur! There is both from sims 3 and sims 4, so a little from both worlds! ^_^
    The Sims 3 picture story: imgur.com/a/5A0Sg
    The Sims 4 picture story: imgur.com/a/xyPhW
  • 0
  • what about side to side?

    To move an object in any direction (side to side) at the height level it is at hold the alt key when holding the object

May 23, 2019  One of the most annoying things on the planet is the hassle that comes along with moving. Luckily, moving isn’t as difficult in the virtual world, as no hard work needs to be done in The Sims 4. May 23, 2019 One of the most annoying things on the planet is the hassle that comes along with moving. Luckily, moving isn’t as difficult in the virtual world, as no hard work needs to be done in The Sims 4.


Sims 4 Moving Truck

Your Sim must move into the apartments on this list in this order while playing the Movin’ On Up Challenge. Order is determined based on how much the apartment costs when you add up the first week’s rent and the initial deposit.

Sims 4 Move Objects Up And Down Not Working 2019

Address District Rent/Wk Deposit Total Needed for the Move
1313 21 Chic Street Fashion District §300 §600 §900
19 Culpepper House Spice Market §600 §550 §1,150
17 Culpepper House Spice Market §400 §800 §1,200
2B Jasmine Suites OR 1310 21 Chic Street (Choose One) Spice Market or Fashion District §500 §1000 §1,500
18 Culpepper House Spice Market §600 §1,000 §1,600
920 Medina Studios Arts Quarter §1,000 §800 §1,800
930 Medina Studios Arts Quarter §1,200 §1,000 §2,200
702 Zenview Fashion District §1,200 §4,800 §6,000
122 Hakim House Arts Quarter §1,400 §5,600 §7,000
1010 Alto Apartments Uptown §3,500 §15,500 §19,000
VIII Landgraab Uptown §5,000 §25,000 §30,000
Fountainview Penthouse Arts Quarter §0 §33,768 §33,768
888 Spire Apartments Uptown §7,500 §37,500 §45,000
Old Salt House Spice Market §0 §50,448 §50,448
Torendi Tower Penthouse Fashion District §0 §109,445 §109,445